3. What is OPG?

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is a Crown corporation, owned by the Government of Ontario. It was established in 1999 as the operator of all of Ontario Hydro’s electricity generating stations. It is responsible for approximately half of the electricity generation in Ontario, and the sources of electricity include nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, gas, and biomass.

OPG owns and operates two nuclear power plants: Pickering Nuclear Generation Station in Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Courtice, Ontario. OPG also owns two nuclear generating stations (Bruce A GS and the Bruce B GS) on Lake Huron, in western Ontario, which are leased to and operated by Bruce Power.


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Ontario Power Generation. 2015 Annual Report [online]. Retrieved from: https://archive.opg.com/pdf_archive/Financial Reports/F009_2015AnnualReport.pdf